Thursday, February 7, 2008

On the blog on Memphis and Shelby County living wage Campaigns. I feel that the economy is in a whirlwind and is need of some repair. We need the right person to be in office to fix our economy. People in the lower class and some of the people in the middle class will love to make more money. We feel that our jobs are just as important as a politicians and city council men and women. Why should they make all of the money, while we are doing the dirty work? We stand in the hot kitchens of the restaurants where they love to come to eat. WE stand in the hot cleaners where they bring their cloth when they do not want to clean them themselves. Here we are making just $7.00 to $8.00 per hour just so they can have the services that they like to have. Why not increase the living wage for everybody not just for the government workers. The economic specialist feel that the average American should or can afford to spend $800 a month outside of their bills, but we need the money in order to spend it help us help you raise the living wage

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